Pure Water Distiller

In light of so much discussion revolving around our drinking water, you’ve no doubt all heard of the different water purifying systems that we can buy for our homes. The most commonly known system is likely the water filter. The process of filtering water involves the water flowing through a granular bed of sand or in some instances carbon filters at a very low speed. The filter, whether it’s of the sand or carbon variety, tends to retain a lot of solid matter whilst allowing the water to pass through. In order to ensure at least an adequate removal of unwanted particles in the water the process is usually repeated. This type of process, especially in older sand filtration systems, is slow.

Even modern water filter system don't produce pure water

The more modern filter systems that contain carbon are known as multimedia filters, filtering the water through not only physical processes but chemical processes too. The added chemical filtration function has made them slightly better by giving them the ability to block the passage of some unwanted materials with molecular structures larger than water. Although the added chemical filtration does indeed offer the filter system a somewhat more efficient title, there are a few qualities surrounding the filter system that make it less than desirable for those looking for pure water.

Often fluoride and heavy metals are not removed by water filters

Besides having quite a slow process there are a number of other aspects to consider when looking at a filter system. Depending on the sort of filter used within the system itself, you may find that the water will actually have limited contact with the filter media. This can often result in partial removal of drinking water contaminants so whilst you may think you’re getting slightly purer water, you simply aren’t. Again there’s heavy reliance on the type of filter used when it comes to the number of toxins and contaminants that can pass through the filtration process. The faster and granular filters are much less effective than the solid carbon filters as they only allow for a brief contact time. In spite of carbon filters having a much better reputation, they too have the downside of allowing contaminants such as fluoride and heavy metals to pass through their filter systems.

Water distillation removes all contaminents producing the purest water

For those looking for completely pure water then distillation is the only way to go. Distillation is a process of purifying water that incorporates the use of a heat source in order to boil water, turning it to steam. This then separates it from contaminants and other such undesirables likes fluoride, heavy metals and chlorine etc. that are commonly found in our tap water. Distillation simply heats the water until it begins to steam at which point it keeps a constant temperature. This allows for the water to continue vaporising whilst the undesirable elements are left behind. This is possible simply because water has a much lower boiling point than the majority of contaminants and toxins contained within it. This process also allows the separation of microscopic and disease causing organisms from the water too.

All of the contaminents left behind are clear to see with a water distiller

Once all of the water has vaporised, it’s then led into what’s called a condenser where it reverts back to liquid form when it cools. It’s at this point that it runs into a receiving container such as a glass collection jug, ready for you to consume. The remaining elements like fluoride and chlorine simply remain in the original container for you to see. Many ask about contaminants and undesirables that have a lower boiling point than water but the answer simply lies in the addition of a carbon filter. This works by collecting these in particular which allows the distiller to create water that’s 99.8% pure. For some of its uses around the world, including its use within the creation of alcoholic beverages like gin and brandy, water can often be distilled twice.

A water distiller is the preferred and best method to produce pure drinking water

The distillation process will very reliably remove bacteria, viruses and dangerous heavy metals too like lead, arsenic and mercury making it ideal for those living in areas with treated water. It’s for this reason that distillation is the preferred method of water treatment when it comes to contaminated drinking water. It’s so effective in fact that it’s even used in places at high risk of waterborne diseases such as third world countries.

Water distillation is not the same as reverse osmosis

Many confuse distillation with another process known as reverse osmosis as they remove similar chemicals however there are a number of downsides to reverse osmosis that distillation simply doesn’t possess. The amount of water wastage is quite possibly it’s biggest downfall. It’s estimated that as the water runs through its system, it will waste around two to three gallons of water for every gallon of clean water it produces. The only waste seen in the process of distillation is simply the undesirable elements left behind in the original container. Reverse osmosis is also, much like filtering, incredibly slow especially when compared to the process of distillation.

Buy your own home water distiller and start making pure water

Here at Water Pure we provide quality water distillers that not only provide you and your family with four litres of the purest water possible at 99.8% pure but do so in as little as three hours. Our quality water distillers can be placed conveniently on your worktop for quick access and couldn’t be easier to use. Simply fill the first container with water and press one switch, the distiller will do the rest of the work for you.

Stainless Steel Water Distiller

Our systems are also quite possibly the best-priced systems on the market starting from as little as £139. Couple this with free delivery to anywhere in the UK and we guarantee you wont find a better price for a distiller of this quality. If you’d like more information on our water distillers and the benefits of drinking distilled water daily, then just click here.